In our last blog post, we dove into the 3 types of users you will encounter whenever managing change , particularly technological changes. If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to check out Part...
When it comes to the ever-changing realm of technology, the biggest stumbling block to long-term success is often not the technology itself, but rather the likelihood that employees and loyal...
Online giving has grown by 23% over the past year, and a significant slice of that online revenue (28%) was generated through email-based marketing. There is a catch...
Building a website for your nonprofit campaign is a great way to get your message out there and attract donors. However, designing a website for a nonprofit on a mission is...
We've all heard the clichés about millennials "killing” businesses. Breathless articles scrutinizing the generations spending habits and differing priorities from...
Every new donor you earn is a victory, but it's only the beginning of the battle! Now that you've earned a new donor, you need to keep them, and one of the best ways of...
Your nonprofit is growing. Over the past few years you've had to create new roles, new positions, and even new departments to handle all the different facets and ends of your...
Donors are the lifeblood of any non-profit and should be treated like it. Every donor is valuable and should be duly appreciated and thanked for their contributions,...
The strength of a nonprofit lies in its people. That includes its staff and its volunteers. One of the most pressing (and difficult) tasks of any nonprofit hoping to expand...