Gone are the days of cobbling together half a dozen different platforms to meet all your organizations fundraising needs. Say goodbye to keeping track of tons of different logins, support contacts and contract renewals for each different vendor.
Donation Forms and payment processing
Beautiful free donation templates, are provided that are easily configured and customized – without the worry of breaking the design or functionality.
Very low transaction fees, of 2.1% and .20¢ with our preferred payment gateway, directing more of your donations directly to your charity.
Flexibility, to create your own templates from scratch that can be duplicated and modified.
Integrated monthly and one time giving.
Credit card, PayPal and electronic bank account, processing are all available.
Corporate and tribute giving, are configured with one click.
Expiring monthly credit cards, are highlighted and reportable, allowing you to set up credit card expiry reminder emails, and update before you lose valuable funds.

Moves Management
Segments for management, can be added in one click directly from the reporting page.
Get campaign goals, for moves management segments, and break them down by individuals.
Quickly create customized communication pipelines, by person and by campaign, assign moves, and follow progression moves for yourself and/or each member of your team.
Report on progress.
Grant and pledge management
Leverage the task tool to set up grant reminders and deadlines.
Pledge entries, allocate when grant payments are due and processed providing an "at a glance" overview of the grant status.
Clearly separated organizational and individual records, accurately track foundations and foundation staff, ensuring that receipting and preferences are accurate.

Batch Entry
Quickly enter, large amounts of donations into the system
Create new constituent records, right from the batch entry screen
Receipt all donors, in a batch with a single click
Support for batch entry, of gift-in-kind donations

Telemarketing and face to face support
Easy to use data entry functionality, allows telemarketing vendors to directly process gifts quickly and accurately.
Unlimited users and powerful permission functionality, offers restricted access to all your vendors and staff providing them with the tools they need without compromising your security.

Text to Give
Integrated Text to Give functionality, provides you to reach out to donors and integrate all activity and information into their record.
Donations are seamlessly processed and tracked, allow you to provide consistent reporting, instantly.